Joys of celebration ringing on your ear Smiling and happy people in every rear What was missing? Happiness, joys, and serenity Dancing in the floor with crowd Music and celebration so loud Mideast of all I was dancing for formality I was wandering far from the reality I am dancing with the whole world Yet a shivering and lonely feeling of cold Fast and speedy has this dance become But pain increasing inside me that I have to overcome Enjoyed by others this mutual touch of dance I alone feeling like its dance to call the menace The touch that will end soon Feeling will be with moon Said that everyone will be here End of happiness And that will show true and fare Dance will become a march of dead And soon no one will even share one crumb of bread Evil that resides in us as selfishness and greed Will take over the happiness and will breed No more dance and mutual touch of attachment Killing and betrayal will be final and detachment Soon I will be dancing again In the pool of ve...