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Showing posts from 2018


Walking for the decades and miles Dead weight and worthless as flies Bound to end and suffer while alive Selfishness and materialistic is the drive I see you all and for what you are Immoral and vanity is your layer Above all else you think you lay One fall, and You break like all other pot clay Righteousness is your outer face When rubbed hard, Will reveal your monstrous menace Showing the fake identity is your play That is only the means to truth’s delay In the end,   It will always be the reality that will prevail Fake faces and layers will be the first to fail

Distant Love

All across the distance between us Distance is what that bind us Caring does not care the distance We could be one and all any instance I still have the scent of your fragrance. That makes me forget the distance Distance can never put our love in cage We still have that sparking lustful rage