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What is success? this has become a question of my life. As a normal person everybody wants success. And what is success? if achieving something that you desire for is success. And then  I say nobody is successful.Because, as a human nature our desire keeps on increasing. So that means we are only successful for short period of time. After that we get new goal. We are only successful for some moments of our life. Because after that we again set new standards for our success by changing our desires and goals in life. As much we love to be a successful person we also hate to do much efforts.

I guess with out some efforts there is No success no matter how low our standards are? we human are here in this phase of development or civilization because we wanted success.

Everybody wants to be successful but only some get what they want. why is that? is it because only few people do the efforts or only few were lucky? and there are always some people who do the most effort and still cannot get what they want most. Are they the unlucky ones or its just that they are doing the wrong things or the wrong way?

In markets we can find many books regarding success that provide many ways to be successful. Most of us read those books and still we are way far from our desires or goals. What's the point of reading those books than? The way think about those book is that they are not for being successful. Most of those books are real life experience of authors. These books provide only the ways or paths by which authors got their success. Its just that they are sharing their experience. Its just that we can learn from their mistakes so that we wouldn't do the same mistake in our life. Because we have very short time to make many mistakes.

So i say success is just what you think success is. and it can be ongoing and tiresome or short or relaxed one. but no matter which success you are chasing you would have to find your own way. Its not this way or that way its your own
way that will take you to your success. Follow your instincts. Sometimes they are wrong but still you will get enough time to recover from these mistakes even though we have a short span of life.

“Victory is not possible, if one doesn't learn from the past and mistakes made.” 
― Auliq Ice


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